A4F at EUBCE 2019
The largest science and technology conference for biomass professionals will be held in Lisbon, next week.
A4F is proud to announce its participation and sponsoring of the 27th edition of the European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. This event, supported by the European Commission, UNESC, Natural Science Sector, EUBIA, WCRE, and others, is the leading platform for the collection, exchange and dissemination of scientific and industrial know-how in the field of biomass.
A4F will share its experience and its vision for microalgae biomass as an emerging sustainable source of raw materials or as final products, in an upswing global market for food, feed, cosmetics, pharma, bio fibers, fertilizers, wastewater treatment, soil remediation, and biofuel.
- Nuno Coelho | Scientific Opening - Biofuels From Algae Technologies (BIOFAT), From R&D To Commercial Industrialisation: the ALGATEC Eco Business Park
- Tiago Guerra | Industry Sessions (IBO.12, Room 5C) - Phototrophic Cultivation of Gm Cyanobacteria Excreting Fuel Precursor Compounds to the Medium at Lab and Pilot Scale
- Sara Badenes | Industry Sessions (ICO.12, Room 5C) - Case Studies of Wastewater and Effluent Treatment Resorting to Microalgae: the Experience of A4f and Industrial Partners
In the scope of this event, we are also promoting a Technical Tour to ALGATEC Eco Business Park. The tour will enable conference participants to experience the first phase construction of what will be the largest algae production plant in Europe.
Registration – Open!