Apr 2011 - Apr 2016
Biofuels from microalgae
A4F as Coordinator
BIOFAT is a microalgae-to-biofuel demonstration project that integrates the entire value chain of algae process from optimized growth, starch and oil accumulation, to downstream processing (biorefinery) including biofuel production. The BIOFAT approach integrates and scales up complementary technologies and skills from each partner into a global multidisciplinary project. The project was implemented in two phases: (i) Process optimization in two pilot scale facilities, each one-half hectare in size, located in Italy and Portugal; and (ii) Economical modeling and scale-up to a 10-hectare demo facility. The two pilot plants, BPPP – BIOFAT Pataias Pilot Plant and BCPP – BIOFAT Camporosso Pilot Plant were already installed and are operating. Both Pilot Plants were mainly designed with technologies that are part of the partner’s expertise well-established platforms for microalgae production: Green Wall Panels (GWPs), Tubular Photobioreactors (PBR’s) and Raceways. BPPP in Portugal is using a non-conventional raceway with inclined ramps, Cascade Raceway – CRW.
Microalgae species: Nannochloropsis oceanica and Tetraselmis suecica
To evaluate the technical feasibility of Algae Biofuels, the EU FP7 Energy programme promoted three demonstration projects.. BIOFAT is of the projects in this ALGAE CLUSTER. This cluster aimed at demonstrating the production of algal biofuels along the whole value chain, covering strain selection to algae cultivation and production, oil extraction, biofuel production and biofuel testing in transportation applications.
ALL-gas - demonstrating on large scale the sustainable production of bio-fuels based on low-cost microalgae cultures using municipal waste water.
BIOFAT - demonstration project that integrated the entire value chain of the algae process from optimized growth, biosynthesis of starch and oil accumulation to downstream processing including biofuel production.
InteSusAl - demonstrated an innovative approach to generate biofuels through optimised the production of algae by both heterotrophic and phototrophic routes.

10 M€
60 months
Ecocarburantes Españoles, S.A., Spain
Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze, Italy
Abengoa Bioenergia Nuevas Tecnologias S.A., Spain
Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev, Israel
Fotosintetica & Microbiologica S.R.L., Italy
Evodos B.V., Netherlands
Algosource Technologies, France
IN S.R.L., Italy
Hart Energy, United States
A & A Fratelli Parodi SPA, Italy
A4F Role
A4F was involved in the BIOFAT implementation process, which was divided into two phases: (i) Process optimization in two pilot scale facilities, each one-half hectare in size, located in Italy and Portugal; and (ii) Economical modeling and scale-up to a 10-hectare demo facility. The Portuguese pilot plant, BPPP – BIOFAT Pataias Pilot was designed by A4F, a 0.5 ha Cascade Raceway optimized with respect of enhancement and local specific features.