Oct 2013 - Oct 2014

Optimization of applied analytical methods to microalgae culture routines and processing

A4F as Coordinator

The INOVLAB project was held in an exemplary way both in the personal relationship and professional level. All the objectives and goals were achieved, including training of A4F human resources, acquisition of innovation advisory services, covering the technical and technological assistance, research services and technological development and technology transfer services. A4F elements received training in fermentation of heterotrophic microalgae, and in innovative techniques and methodologies, including the extraction of carotenoid pigments (HPLC), determination of total oils and fatty acid profile (GC), accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), supercritical extraction with CO2 and phenotypic selection of individuals in a population of high interest microalgae by flow cytometry. The equipment was always available at request and the conditions for development and engineering of products, services and processes were created.  

Microalgae species: the above-described methods were applied to all microalgae strains available at A4F.




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12 months


LNEG, Portugal

A4F Role

As a coordinator, A4F managed this project that had the goal of training human resources and bringing together a collaboration between the partners. A4F provided samples and stock material for the experiments and extractions to be done. Its employees received training in the process of processing and analyzing those samples and learned to manipulate the instruments and machines. Methods were then optimized for the specific sample materials existing at A4F.


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