Jun 2017 - Dec 2021

Towards Versatility of Aquatic Production Platforms: Unlocking the Value of Nordic Bioresources

NordAqua makes use of aquatic photosynthetic organisms to produce biobased chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biofuels, food and feed, as well as in the process of wastewater purification. Smart production systems for versatile and sustainable blue bioeconomy include (i) the production of cyanobacteria and algal biomass from specific species for biorefinery purposes, expected to result in relatively short-term industrial applications, (ii) the construction and use of synthetic cell factories for direct production of fine chemicals and biofuels, the cells functioning only as a catalyst (longer-term applications), and ultimately (iii) the combination of these two production platforms. The NCoE will merge the resources of unique collections of aquatic photosynthetic microorganisms maintained in Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The NCoE will accelerate the transition to bioeconomy based on the sustainable use of land and water resources, enhanced photosynthetic carbon sequestration, and protection of precious water resources.




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54 months


University of Turku (UTU), Finland

University of Helsinki (UH), Finland

Umea University (UMU), Sweden

Uppsala University (UU), Sweden

University of Bergen (UB), Norway

SINTEF, Norway

The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Norway

The Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA), Norway

The Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT), Finland

The Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), Finland

Smart Chemistry Park , Finland