Oct 2022 - Dec 2025
Pacto da Bioeconomia Azul
Advocating for a new, sustainable, innovative, and decarbonizing paradigm, which finds in the sea an answer to the challenge of global scarcity of land resources, and bringing together various national industries, the project Pacto da Bioeconomia Azul (Blue Bioeconomy Pact) plans to develop new products, processes, and services resulting from the incorporation of blue bioeconomy goods into new or already existing value chains, with positive impact on the environment, consumer life, and national exports. It will invest in 7 sectors - through: application of biomaterials; new paradigm for bivalve production; marine-based textiles; sustainability in the food sector; increased algae production; circular feeding solutions; bioinformatics for the fisheries sector -, and in 3 cross-cutting initiatives aimed at accelerating the development and commercialization of the sector's products and services - the Portuguese Blue Biobanks network, a digital platform for the valorization of marine co-products, and the promotion of growth and internationalization of companies and SMEs.
Thus far, the planned investment aims to (i) Boost the development of a cutting-edge industrial economic sector, based on the application of marine bioresources to multiple industries; (ii) Be the first major showcase of the cross-cutting and ecological potential of marine biotechnology solutions; (iii) Contribute to positioning Portugal in the global context, as a pioneer of a sector estimated to reach globally €200 billion by 2030; (iv) Materialize the great opportunity for growth and innovation of the sea industries (aquaculture, fishing, preserves) and differentiation of traditional Portuguese industries now distant from the sea (textiles, cork, fertilizers, human health).
133 M€
38 months
Information Unavailable
A4F Role
A4F's role in this project is to develop and validate at pilot scale new processes for the production of starch from microalgae, intended for biomaterials. Furthermore, it selects and produces marine species for use in textile dyeing and functionalization, including the production of microalgae for dyed and functionalized fabrics. A4F is also responsible for developing modular systems with macroalgae to support the production of low trophic level species, capturing waste from aquaculture and testing these systems at pilot scale.
Information Unavailable